In 2010 Minera de Órgiva proposes a challenge, reviving the mining at a time and an area in which the crisis is hitting more crudely.
Today, Minera de Orgiva grows continuously , every day more families are involved in the project, directly or indirectly, improved facilities and resources is ongoing..
The local economic and social impact is obvious, improving the quality of life of our employees, we improve all of our neighbors´..
In Minera de Orgiva, our bet is for quality work, where training and safety are the key..
From the local to global. We always work with local businesses from gasoil supply, or supplying of helmets to international transport ............ because few know, but more than 70% of our production is exported..
...... And the outlook is for growth, not only in exports but as a project, while maintaining our commitment to the people, with the town, local businesses, local institutions..
And in particular, commitment with the environment. We perform an activity in which
- do not generate sterile
- no waste
- The concentration process is clean, using a mechanical process without using water or chemicals.
And our commitment is not only to not affect the enviroment, but for the immediate future we want:
- Regenerate old tailings
- Search with different local actors the perfect location for our future treatment plant..